#Tech EL verano es una de las temporadas del año que muchos esperan para disfrutar y hacer diferentes planes, les comparto varios dispositivos para mantenernos frescos.
LinkedIn, es una red social que está orientada al ámbito empresarial y al networking. Esto ha hecho que se diferencie del resto y ha contribuido al gran aumento de su popularidad.
360 talent. Entrepreneur, journalist and entertainment host, culture, technology, science, health and environment. Driving force of The Fabulist Latin America for E!. Reality host of #Empoderadas that airs on Fox Life.
Lover of fashion, street-style influencer, trendsetter. A personality highly recognized within social media.
Ambassador of the @FundacionJuanfe, Environmental ambassador for the United Nations, Audi ambassador and spokeswoman against violence against women and the fight against breast cancer for the Avon Foundation. Active member of the board of directors for the Natalia Ponce De León Foundation.